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Linde Freya Tangelder
Cassina Wax Stone Light III Floor Lamp
Cassina Wax, Stone, Light III Floor lamp designed Linde Freya Tangelder is part of a series of table lamps and floor lamps that develops the original idea of sculptural blocks positioned precariously one above the other in an apparently unstable architectural column. Intrigued by liquid materials that change shape to become solid, the designer began experimenting with glass to discover the multiple facets of this material, playing with transparency, tactile sensations and light to create not just an object, but an atmosphere. The collection includes five totem columns of different sizes made with Murano glass cubes blown by craftsmen into cast iron moulds. Defined by irregular shapes, the surface of each block is handcrafted with wax to derive its unique shape. The components, stacked vertically on top of each other, are joined by a custom-made central LED tube.