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SKU: 822594

Antonio Citterio

Flexform Groundpiece Coffee Table

Flexform Groundpiece Coffee Table designed by Antonio Citterio. Buy online at the best price or ask us for a quote.
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Dimensions (cm)

97x97xh.35 cm.
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Groundpiece coffee table is designed by Antonio Citterio for Flexform. It belongs to Groundpiece collection that it has revolutionized the concept of the sofa system, introducing new proportions and measurements. It is comfortably deep, particularly low, and originally deconstructed with large goosedown cushions. Groundpiece has changed our way of sitting on a sofa, making it more informal, adaptable to new uses. It is based on the awareness that functions are linked to new actions and behaviors. On a sofa you can read, rest, watch TV, but also work with a computer, or even eat dinner. This is why low metal storage units covered in cowhide can be inserted in the structure, replacing part of the back or armrest to provide useful counter space. The rather passé decorum of formal seating is swept away by Groundpiece, in favor of a more comfortable, relaxed sitting position. Groundpiece makes a clean break with clichés. For infinite combinations, a range of components can transform it into a sofa, an ottoman, a chaise longue, a storage unit. Groundpiece also comes in the bed version, with an upholstered headboard. The metal elements covered in cowhide found in the sofa become handy bedside units and small tables.

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