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Nicola Gallizia
Molteni 505 Up Sideboard
Glossy Lacquer
Molteni 505 Up sideboard in red Rubino laquered. The Molteni new Collection includes the 505 Up sideboard, which reflects the heart of current living needs, where domestic spaces are versatile, multifunctional, and can be altered and moulded according to use.
This is the common thread that has led to the complete reinvention of one of the company's emblems, the 505 system, which will be replaced by the 505 Up in 2021.
External finish: Rubino Laquered. Internal finish: Grigio Saffiano. Base finish: Peltro. Designed by Nicola Gallizia, with his minimalist and light design lends itself to a wide variety of configurations, ranging from dining furniture to living solutions to reinterpreted compositions for the night area. To enhance the 500 depth system, a new cast aluminum foundation has been introduced, which not only defines its size but also gives it a new lightness in the canonical sizes of the sideboards.